Shin Godzilla is a Japanese Tokusatsu film released in 2016. It is the 29th Godzilla movie produced by Toho, the 31st Godzilla Movie series, and the first movie in the New Japanese Hero Universe series produced by Hideaki Anno. It is also the third Godzilla movie to be rebooted in Japan after 12 years since the Last Battle of Godzilla in 2004.
This bottling celebrates in the film in real style. It is a blended scotch whisky created from some of the finest malts and grains from around the country. It brings a smooth and well-balanced tasting experience that delivers everything from sweet vanilla, gentle honey and soft oak, to red berries and sticky toffee. There is a certain level of complexity in this one that will take you several drams to fully explore. As one of just 990 bottles, it’s also highly limited in numbers.
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