Fist of the North Star is a Japanese manga series written by Buronson and illustrated by Tetsuo Hara. It was serialized in Shueisha’s shōnen manga magazine for 245 issues published from 1983 to 1988. This brilliant Blended Scotch whisky was created from the best malts and grains from around Scotland and was released in small […]
16-25 Years
A superb Ian Macleod bottling that celebrates the legendary movie character Godzilla. A blended malt whisky created from some of the finest spirit in Scotland and matured for 18 years, it brings tremendous depth, with rich oak, berries, freshly buttered toast, sticky toffee and much more. It’s a superb whisky and one that is highly […]
10-15 Years
Godzilla (Original) WhiskyTaste 15YO blended Malt Whisky is a product jointly launched by Japanese film and theater company TOHO, (who famously are the creators of Godzilla) and Taiwan’s largest whiskey event WhiskyTaste. The collection commemorates the 70th anniversary of Godzilla. Although the products are all blended whiskies, the whiskies come from Ian Macleod, owners of […]
16-25 Years
MechaGodzilla WhiskyTaste 18YO blended malt whisky is a product jointly launched by TOHO and WhiskyTaste. The collection commemorates the 70th anniversary of Godzilla. A blend of single malt whiskies from noted independent bottlers turned distillery owners Ian Macleod who are responsible for operations of both the Glengoyne and Tamdhu distilleries. Containing a high proportion of whiskies aged […]
10-15 Years
Shin Godzilla is a Japanese Tokusatsu film released in 2016. It is the 29th Godzilla movie produced by Toho, the 31st Godzilla Movie series, and the first movie in the New Japanese Hero Universe series produced by Hideaki Anno. It is also the third Godzilla movie to be rebooted in Japan after 12 years since […]